- Equality & Human Rights Commission
- Government Equalities Department
- NHS Employers E&D section
- Age UK
- The Beaumont Trust (Trans)
- Black Health Agency
- Broken Rainbow (LGBT)
- Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations
- Fawcett Society (Gender)
- Health with Pride (LGBT)
- Help the Aged
- Inter-Faith Network
- Royal National Institute for the Deaf
- Royal National Institute for the Blind
- Stonewall
- Time to Change (Mental Health)
Local Links
- Equality at Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
- Equality at Pennine Care
- Equality at Stockport Council
- Equality at NHS North West
- African Caribbean Community Association
- Age Concern Stockport
- Alzheimer Society
- The BASE (LGBT Youth)
- Children & Young People’s Disability Partnership
- Connexions (youth)
- Disability Stockport
- Ethnic Diversity Service
- Inter-Faith Network
- The Lesbian & Gay Foundation
- Mind
- MORF (Trans)
- Nia Kumbaa (BME)
- Out in Stcokport (LGBT)
- People Like Us Stockport (LGBT)
- Press for Change (Trans)
- Pure Innovations
- Pure Radio’s Under the Rainbow
- Signpost for Carers
- Walthew House (Disability)
- Women’s Centre
- Women’s Aid
- Young Minds (Mental health)