These leaflets below have been created for GPs to use during consultations where a child presents with symptoms of asthma, glue ear or tonsillitis:
- Asthma BW
- Asthma colour
- Avoiding Tonsillectomies BW
- Avoiding Tonsillectomies colour
- Glue Ear BW
- Glue Ear colour
- GP letter to via DPH
You can access the documentation for the NICE CG115 Guidance for Alcohol Dependence and Harmful Alcohol Use by clicking on the links below:
CG115 Alcohol dependence and harmful alcohol use: full guideline
CG115 Alcohol dependence and harmful alcohol use: full guideline appendices 16-19
Please use the link below to access important information regarding access to drug and alcohol treatment services (as mentioned in issue 42 of the Stockport GP Pathfinder newsletter):
- Important Information Access to Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services