Mental Health

Psychological services

Patients can self refer to the ‘Healthy Minds’ services at Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust () or the Psychological Wellbeing service (). Click here to print NHS Stockport CCG Helping Hand Advert 12-14 and for more information.

The Mental Health Resource and Information Pack can be accessed by clicking here.

  • Stressbusters Flyer (10-18 year olds)

QOF Sever Mental Illness (SMI) Annual Physical Health Check  

Physical Health of people with Severe Mental Illness: 

One of the NHS National outcome indicators is to reduce the mortality rate for people with serious mental illness.

There is a wealth of evidence that highlights the adverse effect of mental health conditions on physical health and well-being. People with severe and enduring mental health problems are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular and respiratory disease as a result of lifestyle factors and side effects of anti-psychotic medication. 

Evidence suggests that people with severe mental illness (SMI) die 15-20 years younger than people without a SMI.  Research presented in the British Journal of Psychiatry states that people with schizophrenia have a mortality risk that is two to three times higher than that of the general population.

NICE guidance states that GPs and other primary care professionals should monitor the physical health of people with certain types of mental health problems including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and psychosis at least once a year.

Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (PCFT) in collaboration with the 5 main Clinical Commissioning Groups (Oldham, Rochdale, Bury, Stockport and Tameside and Glossop) are committed to reducing these health inequalities by increasing the number of service users with schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorders having an annual physical health check.

The 5 CCG’s have developed to a CQUIN scheme as part of the Pennine Care Mental Health contract for 2013/14 which focuses on the role of Pennine Care in supporting these service users to access physical health checks, generally promoting good physical health and well being and supporting GP practices in achieving the SMI QOF requirements.

Part of this CQUIN involves Pennine Care and GP practices sharing information regarding these service users to ensure that:

  • As many service users as possible receive an annual physical health check
  • All relevant service users feature on practice SMI registers
  • GP practices are supported to achieve the SMI QOF requirements in terms of offering and undertaking an annual physical health check.

This project provides an excellent opportunity to share information safely within agreed information governance policies to improve outcomes for patients and support practices to achieve their SMI QOF requirements.

If you have any queries at this stage please contact Sian Wimbury, Service Development and Contracts Manager on


Dr N. Hussain

Dr Nij Hussain began the challenging role of Mental Health lead in October 2008.  If you have suggestions or concerns on mental health services in Stockport, please contact Dr Hussain on or e-mail

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