Safeguarding Adults Alerter training for Dental Practitioners and GPs

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Date(s) - 26/07/2013 - 23/12/2013
All Day


  • For GPs
  • Local

The Safeguarding Adults Board has agreed a competency framework to ensure that as many staff as possible that may come into contact with vulnerable adults are aware of the signs of abuse and know where to refer any concerns.  The Care Quality Commission also recommend awareness training for staff in Safeguarding Adults.

It is recommended that all GPs and Dental practitioner staff who have direct contact with vulnerable adults should undertake the KWANGO E-Learning package on Safeguarding Adults to ensure that they are aware of what would constitute abuse under Stockport Safeguarding Adults Policy.

E-Learning Opportunity

This training will enable you to understand:

  • What constitutes abuse
  • How to recognise abuse
  • What to do if you suspect an adult is being abused
  • How to reduce the likelihood of abuse
  • The referral/alert process
  • The multi-agency response

You need to print out a certificate at the end of the training to evidence that you have completed the E-Learning (no electronic record is kept).

Alternative training

There is an interactive taught session on Safeguarding Adults, the Alerter Role.  If you would rather attend this session then please go to the web address below where you can sign up for a session electronically:

Reporting Concerns

Any concerns regarding a vulnerable adult should be reported to:

Adult Social Care Contact Centre, (8am – 6pm) or out-of-hours service .

The KWANGO E-Learning can be accessed through the following link: 

Username: Password: 

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